Home Ideaspotting Cups Media – Advertising On A Paper Cup

Cups Media – Advertising On A Paper Cup

Your marketing message on a paper cup.

As if advertising isn’t pervasive enough in our lives, here comes yet another platform for brand owners in Singapore to regale us with the wonders of their products and services.

Cups Media – founded  by entrepreneur Joelle Goh and a partner earlier this year – is the first marketing solutions firm in Singapore to print marketing messages on paper cups, which are then given free to organizations (it’s the advertisers who pay for the cups).

The idea itself is not new of course.

According to Cups Media, more than 100,000 cups have been given out over the last three months to companies in Singapore.  Joelle says the free paper cups have companies save money. “As the financial crisis hurts a lot of organizations, many of them are looking for ways to cut their overheads. By receiving the quality paper cups free of charge, they can be assured that they need not to waste their money to buy these paper cups,” explains Joelle.

Now, I can just imagine what the environmentalists would say.

Organizations can sign up for free paper cups from Cups Media here. For more information, email cupsmedia[at]cupsmedia[dot]com.


  1. This is quite an amazing idea! Never thought of such an idea before but when I think about it, it makes perfect sense!

  2. Cups media copied lunchad media. Lunchad media has already has its patent since 10 years ago with boxes, bowls AND cups. So it’s funny how youngupstarts credited them as the “first marketing solution…” .

  3. Good comment Reddy, although i must point out an error
    Paper cups are not more readily biodegradable than styrofoam cups, in fact they may even do more harm. See this site:
    I cannot guarantee if the information is correct, though.

    Also, by printing more words on them, you are detracting from whatever biodegradability it might have had.

    And the huge influx of free paper cups will encourage wastage, which is what we do not want.

    Yup, just that.

  4. I don’t think we can ever get rid of disposable cups 100%. Think about Starbucks, Coffee Beans, McDonald, KFC ….

    Because styoform and plastic cups are cheaper than paper cups, one can easily find that businesses are using styoform cups in offices. Replacing the less environmental friendly styoform and plastic cups with the more environmental friendly paper cups, we are actually helping our environment!

    Good job!

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