Home Events & Happenings Social Networking World Forum Asia

Social Networking World Forum Asia



ad:tech Singapore may be over, but if you’re interested to learn more about the latest in social networking and marketing trends in the Asia Pacific region there’s the upcoming Social Networking World Forum Asia. Organized by Bristol-based events company Six Degrees, this two-day conference dedicated to all things social networking will take place in Singapore on 22nd and 23rd September this year.

Learn from some of the largest global brands who are using social media effectively in their marketing and public relations strategies, as well as hear from the regional heads of some of the most popular social networking platforms such as Friendster, QQ and MySpace on their plans for the region.

To register or find out more about the event, you can download the event brochure or call the booking hotline +44 (0) 117 321 8303. Alternatively you can register for the free exhibition-only pass here. Early bird registration ends 21st August. Readers of this blog get a 15% discount – just quote that you’re a reader of Young Upstarts.

You can follow news of the event on Twitter at @SocialNetworkWF.


  1. […] Last year’s Social Networking Forum Asia event must have been so successful, it’s not only back this year but has a new name – Social Media World Forum (SMWF) Asia – to encompass more aspects of the social online space. Organized by Bristol-based events company Six Degrees, this two-day conference and exhibition dedicated to all things social media will take place in Singapore on 22nd and 23rd September this year. […]

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