Home Resources Innovative New Business Ideas To Beat The Recession

Innovative New Business Ideas To Beat The Recession

Defy with recession with innovation.
Defy with recession with innovation.

Trendwatching.com‘s latest briefing “Innovation Jubilation” contains some great insights into innovation, and looks at over 50 interesting ideas to help spur your thinking about your new (or next) venture.

Ideas I really like include FreePaperCups – paper cups with advertisements on them given to corporate customers to stock their pantries – and Hotel X, which outfits its rooms with refurbished furniture purchased from ordinary consumers. Save the environment, benefit consumers, and provide a new service? Sounds like a great idea to me!

Trendwatching.com‘s sister site Springwise.com is also a fabulous resource for new business ideas. If you’re in the business of creativity and ideas, you’d do well to have both sites in your RSS feeds.


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