Home In the News Microsoft Gets Into The Game With BizSpark

Microsoft Gets Into The Game With BizSpark



Microsoft finally announces its BizSpark startup support program in Singapore, which was earlier unveiled on 8 November in San Francisco. In a press event this week, Microsoft Singapore’s managing director Jessica Tan gave an overview of the software giant’s local software economy initiatives while platform evangelist John Fernandes showed the nuts and bolts of the BizSpark program to the local press.

Essentially, BizSpark allows startups that are developing software-based products or services (and meet the program’s eligbility requirements) to get access to current full-featured Microsoft development tools and licenses of server products, with no upfront costs and minimal requirements. In addition, these startups will get professional support from Microsoft and its network of community-driven, entrepreneur-focused organizations.

If you’re an incubator or other similar organization within the local software ecosystem that is engaged with supporting high-potential, early stage startups, you can also consider signing up to be a BizSpark Network Partner.

Also, you may want to check out Microsoft’s Startup Zone.


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