Home Feature Story ShowNearby.com – It’s All About Location, Location, Location

ShowNearby.com – It’s All About Location, Location, Location



Online location-based information services are all the rage now with Singapore-based startups, and one of the more recent to emerge is ShowNearby.com.  Launched in March this year, it adds a twist to the usual directory-like business information and mapping features by incorporating social networking features for a difference.

Like other similar services such as fellow startup Gothere.sg or former incumbent Streetdirectory.com  – until its recent legal woes with the Singapore Land Authority – you can search for places, map information, directions and even calculate distances on ShowNearby.com. What sets it slightly apart from the others is that ShowNearby.com also works on a user-generated basis. Register as a user, and you can contribute comments and reviews of places, services and anything else interesting of note which are then added to their database. Photos and comments can be tagged to locations, and you can even search for people around an area, such as your neighbourhood. You can create events for friends and relatives or attend any event you’re interested in.

Its revenue model focuses on providing targeted and relevant proximity-based advertising to businesses. ShowNearby.com was founded by 25-year old Douglas Gan, an eight-year veteran in the Internet business. Douglas previously founded web hosting companies Purehostings Internet Solutions and OhGenki.com, which he has successfully sold off to Skydio.com and RobertJSteiner.com respectively.

It’s interesting to note that despite their fewer resources, startups such as ShowNearby.com and Gothere.sg are able to provide online geo-based location services that far supercedes the pathetic StreetMap@Singapore mapping service from the Singapore Land Authority.

For more information on ShowNearby.com, contact ask at shownearby dot com.


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