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Banking On Customer Disservice


My fiancee was telling me of her Internet banking woes with a large local bank recently.  She was experiencing extremely slow speeds on the bank’s website – it sometimes even hung on her – and she got frustrated enough to drop them a scathing email.

She highlighted to them (in no uncertain detail, if I know her well) – her flawless experiences with the websites of other banks and the problems she faced on their site.  She got the following reply:



Thank you for your email.

We wish to inform you that our recommended system setup for accessing XXX Bank Personal Internet Banking is as follows:

PC configuration:

Pentium personal computer preferably with a Pentium-II processor or better

32MB RAM or higher

Windows 9X or Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 or Windows XP

33.6Kbps modem or higher

Internet connection

Web Browser * – Internet Explorer V5.X or 6.X, Netscape 7.02.

Macintosh configuration:

Macintosh PowerPC with a G3 processor or better

32MB RAM or higher Mac OS 9.x, Mac OS X (10.2)

33.6Kbps modem or higher

Internet connection

Web Browser *

– OS 9.x – Use Netscape 4.7x

– OSX (10.2 or higher) – Use Netscape 7.02

* Please note that all Beta versions are not supported

We wish to clarify if your computer setup follows the recommended settings?

We look forward to your reply so as to assist you better.

Should you have any questions, please contact our 24-hour Call Centre on 1800 XX XX XXX or +65 6XX XX XXX (if you are calling from overseas). We will be happy to assist you.

Yours sincerely


Senior Officer

Call Centre

XXXX XXXXX Bank Limited

Singapore Company Reg No. XXXXXXXXXX


Nice, but obviously written by people not inclined towards customer service.

They may as well have written:


Dear XXX,

It is not our fault your computer sucks or if you’re a computer idiot.

If you can’t fix your own technical issues, that’s your problem. If you need help, call us – we won’t call you.

We really prefer not to help you, but of course as customer service people we are not allowed to say that.  Oh, and I’m not giving you my direct line because I’d rather not talk to you, really.


By the way, my fiancee uses an Apple G4 iBook. And it worked with the websites of all other local banks.