Home Others How To Get Your Profile On Trending Lists In Instagram

How To Get Your Profile On Trending Lists In Instagram


Nowadays, having an Instagram business account can give you lots of benefits. With more than 8 million active users per day, the platform has become a major marketing tool to advertise your products and services online.

However, just by creating a business profile simply isn’t enough to do the job for you. You need to understand how to grow your following on Instagram – some businesses grow their followers organically, while some buy likes – and get your profile noticed among the Instagram base.

How Instagram can help your business.

For business purposes, it is relevant to have an Instagram account for promotion. Instagram provides endless opportunities for businesses to grow and evolve. Here they can target a large number of audiences for marketing their products or services. By using the right tactics you can flourish in your industry through the help of Instagram marketing. Instagram helps in creating engagement which further leads to more sales and more revenue generation.

Today we will tell you in brief how to get your profile in trending list of Instagram:

Change your profile to a business account.

The very first thing you need to do is to create a business profile for promoting your business online on Instagram. This is important as a personal profile won’t give you diversify options for the same. Moreover, a personal profile cannot be seen by everyone whereas a business account is public.

Boost the life of your Instagram account.

Boosting life refers to staying at the platform for a long period of time. It has been researched that an old account tends to appear more in the explore page of Instagram as compared to a newer one. So make sure you have had enough time on Instagram marketing your business.

Increase your Instagram following.

The most important factor to consider on Instagram for getting your profile in the trending list is to increase your active followers. Having a good follower count shows up the popularity of your business on Instagram. So here you need to understand how to increase your followers. The primary thing is to build engagement among your users. Engagement comes up in terms of more likes, comments, and impressions on your posts, thus giving you more attention.

Keeping your followers active can be tough. Let’s say you’re a car accident attorney in Las Vegas and you want to keep clients engaged after their claim has been settled. It can be difficult to keep them on your page and to keep your business spreading by word of mouth even after you’ve finished your business with them.

There have been accounts on Instagram having millions of followers but do not appear in trending lost. This is because they do not have active followers who regularly contribute to their accounts.

Leverage hashtags properly.

Hashtags do the same job for Instagram posts as keywords do for blogs. It helps in boosting the reach of your posts as well as reaching the target audiences. Hashtags help in popularize your account and give you maximum exposure on Instagram.

If you strategically use hashtags in your posts, you can get your profile in a trending list of Instagram easily. Instagram gives you access to insert up to 30 hashtags per post so you can use as many as you want. However, keep in mind not to unnecessarily stuff the hashtags.

Interact with your followers.

It is relevant to stay in touch with your followers on one to one basis for making them feel special. People tend to follow accounts that keep up the conversation with them. You can ask questions from your followers, take their feedback, suggestions or queries or you may organize some contests for becoming center of attraction.

Post consistency and at right times.

If you do not post consistently, there are high chances that you will lose some potential followers. Along with losing followers, the ranking of your account will also significantly drop. So post consistently and come up with new and innovative ideas in order to create a unique and popular image in front of your followers.

Another important thing is to post at the right times. However, on Instagram, there is nothing as such considered as the best time. It varies from the target audience and type of business you are promoting. You can use Instagram insights to know when your followers are most active and post accordingly. Also, you can check which posts of yours are getting high engagement so that you can frame the type of content next time.

Write good captions.

Another thing to consider getting your profile in the trending list of Instagram is to write appealing captions that attract people. A caption becomes the voice of your posts and conveys its meaning to the audience. Make sure your captions are short, attractive and descriptive enough to tell people whatever you intend to.

Use Instagram stories.

Instagram stories are nowadays more popular and a great way to interact with your followers. Though the stories last only for 24 hours but leave a good impression on the user’s mind. You can show up behind the scenes photos of your work, the official location of your office or workplace or ask questions from users for more engagement through stories.

So these are some of the trending ways to get your profile in trending list of Instagram.