Home Others Do You Need A Project Manager?

Do You Need A Project Manager?



Okay, so you have launched your own business, and it is now running successfully and bringing in a good amount of profit.

Until now you may have run the business alone or with one or two team members helping you. But as your business starts to grow, it might be time to consider adding a couple more employees to the mix.

You may be wondering why you can’t just outsource extra tasks, but some roles are better if done in-house. A crucial part of business today is project management, which is why it is a good idea to add a project manager to your team. Still not convinced that a project manager is necessary? Then have a read of this.

Have you missed any deadlines?

Despite lots of planning, as a business owner it can seem near to impossible to hit every deadline. Especially, when you have so many different things to do. Even if you are the most organised business owner on the planet, sometimes situations arise that have to be dealt with and can in turn, lead to you missing important deadlines.

Not only is missing deadlines unprofessional, it can also lose you clients and credibility. Especially, if it becomes a regular habit. You may not want to invest in a project manager, but if you keep missing deadlines, then you might have to.

Do you have disagreements between staff?

It takes a lot of hard work, as well as various people to bring new services and products to the market. And, as your teams grow, both in-house and via outsourcing, you may struggle to keep on top of what’s going on and be unable to adequately manage everything. This can lead to confusion between different teams, as well as disagreements and other problems.

If you don’t have the time to manage each team and deal with each outsourcing company, then it is a good idea to consider hiring a project manager. Or, alternatively, you could make an existing member of staff a project manager.

If the idea of making an existing member of staff project manager appeals to you, visit www.Simplilearn.com to get an idea of the cost of online project manager courses.

Have you had financial losses?

If you have had to delay the launch or your new product or services due to lack of time, then you are losing money. And, as much as hiring or training a project manager would cost you, at least your could get your products and services on the market more quickly.

As your business grows, a project manager will be an invaluable resource, someone who can deal with the everyday tasks and hold everything together for you. Allowing you to concentrate on all your important jobs and daily tasks.

If you want to make a success of your business and develop it into a prosperous organisation, then hiring or training a project manager is essential. Otherwise, your lack of time could not only lose your funds, it could also cost you your clients and give you a bad reputation.


  1. It takes a lot of hard work, as well as various people to bring new services and products to the market. And, as your teams grow Online PMP Classes If you have had to delay the launch or your new product or services due to lack of time, then you are losing money.

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